Turning test booklet pages per student directions.
Positioning the ruler per student directions.
Operating technology per student directions, such as using the mouse to navigate the pages and operate the tools in an online administration.
Highlighting per student directions.
Positioning mathematics manipulatives per student directions.
Other Accommodations to Consider
Student may also need his or her responses to test questions (i.e., multiple choice, griddable, short answer, writing prompt) transcribed onto an answer document; refer to the Basic Transcribing or Complex Transcribing accommodations.
Determine the student's needs and how manipulations might be necessary across a variety of environments/tasks.
Determine the student's needs and how manipulations might be necessary across a variety of environments/tasks.
Decide whether another classroom is needed to use this accommodation during a test.
Decide whether another classroom is needed to use this accommodation during a test.
Evaluate which portion(s) of the test (lengthy, short, more/few difficult motor demands, etc.) the student will need assistance with materials.
Evaluate which portion(s) of the test (lengthy, short, more/few difficult motor demands, etc.) the student will need assistance with materials.
Ensure the student knows when to use the accommodation, is able to give directions regarding how they would like the testing materials manipulated, and
Ensure the student knows when to use the accommodation, is able to give directions regarding how they would like the testing materials manipulated, and has practiced with the accommodations provider.
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Monitor and record how often you are manipulating materials and the accuracy of student directions of how they would like materials manipulated.
Monitor and record how often you are manipulating materials and the accuracy of student directions of how they would like materials manipulated.
Share your findings with the student, the educational team, and the family.
Share your findings with the student, the educational team, and the family.
Review TEA policy document for details about allowable use of manipulating test materials during test administration.
Some accommodations appropriate for instructional use may not be allowable on a statewide assessment. Select the state assessment to view the implementation policies.
Type: Designated Support
Assessments: All subjects, all grades
Student Eligibility Criteria:
same as STAAR
same as STAAR