The test administrator may carry out Complex Transcribing only when the student dictates or signs his or her responses to the writing prompts for the test administrator to transcribe.
Refer to the student's IEP to determine the need and specifics for providing complex transcribing support on assignments and tests.
Refer to the student's IEP to determine the need and specifics for providing complex transcribing support on assignments and tests.
For pre-writing and writing assignments, provide frequent practice opportunities for the student to learn how to respond orally or through sign. For transcription practices
For pre-writing and writing assignments, provide frequent practice opportunities for the student to learn how to respond orally or through sign. For transcription practices through dictation, explicitly teach: think it > say it > check it > correct it.
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Coach and conference with the student for grade level appropriate editing by reading back to the student what was dictated, if reading support is
Coach and conference with the student for grade level appropriate editing by reading back to the student what was dictated, if reading support is needed.
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Remind the student about the length of the assignment and working towards compositions within this allowable space/length.
Remind the student about the length of the assignment and working towards compositions within this allowable space/length.
Wean student from writing conferences to assess the student’s editing skills; expect grade level appropriate spelling, mechanics and grammar.
Wean student from writing conferences to assess the student’s editing skills; expect grade level appropriate spelling, mechanics and grammar.
Establish a routine or procedure for transcribing student's work. A. Predetermine who will be the student's transcriber. B. Designate the location, materials and time
Establish a routine or procedure for transcribing student's work.
A. Predetermine who will be the student's transcriber.
B. Designate the location, materials and time for dictation/sign to occur.
C. Provide time for the student to review the transcription to make edits.
D. Document who provided transcribing services for the assignment.
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Set expectations with the student for moving toward tools that build independence. If it seems like the student will need transcribing for the long
Set expectations with the student for moving toward tools that build independence. If it seems like the student will need transcribing for the long term, explore assistive technology options that may help the student gain more independence.
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Monitor and record the student’s progress and satisfaction with the accommodation.
Monitor and record the student’s progress and satisfaction with the accommodation.
Share progress and effectiveness with the student, the educational team, and the family.
Share progress and effectiveness with the student, the educational team, and the family.
Note: Review the TEA policy document for allowable use of complex transcribing during test administration.
The terms “Basic” and “Complex Transcribing” are distinctions used by TEA for STAAR purposes. The term “Dictation/Scribe” is more commonly used by educators to describe the accommodation as it’s used during classroom instruction.
Some accommodations appropriate for instructional use may not be allowable on a statewide assessment. Select the state assessment to view the implementation policies.
Type: Designated Support Requiring TEA Approval
(Learn more about the Accommodation Request Process here)
Student Eligibility Criteria:
Submit an Accommodation Request Form to TEA if the student
❏ routinely and effectively uses this designated support during classroom instruction and classroom testing,
❏ is unable to effectively use Basic Transcribing to address this need, and
❏ meets at least one of the following:
Type: Designated Support Requiring TEA Approval
Student Eligibility Criteria: Same as STAAR
Type: Designated Support Requiring TEA Approval
Student Eligibility Criteria: Same as STAAR