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Basic Transcribing

Basic Transcribing allows the educator to transfer student responses onto an answer document or into the test delivery system when a student is unable to accomplish this task independently.


Allowable on at least one state assessment Allowable on state assessment: This accommodation is allowable on at least one state assessment. See which tests allow this accommodation

Assistive Technology Assistive Technology (AT): This accommodation includes AT. Be sure AT needs are included as accommodations on the IEP and that the PEIMS code reflects this.

Examples Include:

  • The student writes or circles responses in the test booklet for test questions.

  • The student points to responses in the test booklet or on the computer screen for test questions.

  • The student dictates or signs responses for test questions.

  • The student writes responses on another workspace (e.g., scratch paper, dry erase board) or types responses on a word processor for test questions or the writing prompt.

  • The student uses STT technology to indicate responses for the writing prompt, including use of the online embedded support in TDS.

    Speech-to-Text as an embedded support on STAAR and STAAR Spanish Online (written compositions)

    These are examples of free speech-to-text tools that can be used during instruction:

    Enable Dictation in Chromebook's Accessibility Settings

    Google Voice Typing- embedded tool in Google Docs

    Enable Dictation in the iPad's Accessibility Settings

    Enable Dictation on PC/Windows

  • The student dictates or signs information to be recorded in the margins of the test booklet or in the notes tool for online tests (does NOT apply to mathematics calculations or responses to the written composition).

How to Implement:

  • 1.

    Assess the level of writing support the student needs based on their writing samples and/or physical support needs. Consider the appropriate level of student

    Assess the level of writing support the student needs based on their writing samples and/or physical support needs. Consider the appropriate level of student independence. Consider using this accommodation -to alleviate barriers related to neatness or transcription- when the goal and cognitive effort for the assignment are to develop higher-level writing skills. 

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  • 2.

    Try different low-tech or high-tech tools to see if they’re helpful. Low-tech examples can include: pencil grips, slant boards, dry erase boards, adapted

    Try different low-tech or high-tech tools to see if they’re helpful.

    1. Low-tech examples can include: pencil grips, slant boards, dry erase boards, adapted paper.
    2. High-tech examples can include: word processing, speech-to-text software.
    3. Consult with your campus occupational therapist or assistive technology member if help is needed to get these tools or for extra support.

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  • 3.

    If additional information is needed when deciding about the most effective tool for the variety of writing tasks, see Select.  Note: Word processing/keyboarding speed needs to

    If additional information is needed when deciding about the most effective tool for the variety of writing tasks, see Select

    Note: Word processing/keyboarding speed needs to be or become commensurate with handwriting speed or better to be functional for classroom writing tasks.

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  • 4.

    For short answer and lengthier writing assignments, provide frequent practice opportunities for the student to learn how to respond orally/sign/word processor.   For transcription practices

    For short answer and lengthier writing assignments, provide frequent practice opportunities for the student to learn how to respond orally/sign/word processor.  

    For transcription practices through dictation or speech-to-text (see STT under spelling assistance for more detailed instructions), explicitly teach: plan it> think it > say it > check it > correct it.  

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  • 5.

    Establish a routine or procedure for transcribing student's work. Predetermine who will transcribe for the student. Designate the location, materials and time for Basic Transcribing to

    Establish a routine or procedure for transcribing student's work.

    1. Predetermine who will transcribe for the student. 

    2. Designate the location, materials and time for Basic Transcribing to occur.

    3. Provide time for the student to review the transcription to make edits.

    4. Document who provided transcribing services for the assignment.

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  • 6.

    Set expectations with the student for moving toward tools that build independence. If it seems like the student will need transcribing for the long

    Set expectations with the student for moving toward tools that build independence. If it seems like the student will need transcribing for the long term, explore assistive technology options that may help the student gain more independence.

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  • 7.

    Monitor and record the student’s progress and satisfaction with the accommodation.

    Monitor and record the student’s progress and satisfaction with the accommodation.

  • 8.

    Share progress and effectiveness with the student, the educational team, and the family.

    Share progress and effectiveness with the student, the educational team, and the family.


Note: Review TEA policy document for allowable use of Basic Transcribing during test administration.

Review the TEA Technology Guidelines to ensure any device or software is appropriate for state assessment use.

The terms “Basic” and “Complex Transcribing” are distinctions used by TEA for STAAR purposes.  The term “Dictation/Scribe” is more commonly used by educators to describe the accommodation as it’s used during classroom instruction.

State Assessment

Some accommodations appropriate for instructional use may not be allowable on a statewide assessment. Select the state assessment to view the implementation policies.

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Type: Designated Support 

Assessments: All subjects, all grades

Student Eligibility Criteria: 

  • uses STT software during classroom instruction and classroom testing; or
  • has the majority of digital classroom instructional and testing materials converted to paper formats with the student’s responses captured by a transcriber.

Examples and Types:

Online administration

  • The student points to a response displayed in TSD, and the transcriber selects it.
  • The student types responses on a word processor or inputs responses into a communication device for test questions, and the transcriber enters them into TDS (Test Delivery System).

Paper administration

  • The student points to a response in the test booklet to be transcribed in DEI (Data Entry Interface).
  • writes responses on another workspace (e.g., blank scratch paper, dry erase board) to be transcribed into DEI.

same as STAAR

same as STAAR