Differentiated Instruction
Differentiated instruction is a varied approach to what students need to learn (content), how they will learn it (process), and how they will show what they have learned (product). Differentiated instruction gives teachers guidance about how to address differences in student readiness, interest, and learning style. The goal of differentiated instruction is to provide an ideal learning environment that maximizes the capacity of each student. Watch this video for more information about differentiated instruction.
video includedUniversal Design for Learning
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all students based on scientific research into how people learn. UDL is proactive and provides a blueprint for creating instructional goals, methods, materials, and assessments that take into account the natural variability of learners. The goal of UDL is to eliminate unnecessary barriers to learning in order to increase student achievement. Check out this video to learn more about UDL.
video includedSpecially Designed Instruction
Specially designed instruction (SDI) is specific to students who qualify for special education services in order to help them master their individualized education program (IEP) goals/objectives and ensure access to and progress in the general curriculum. SDI goes beyond differentiated instruction and Universal Design for Learning to address the unique needs that exist because of a student’s disability. SDI is an IEP requirement. The IEP needs to specify what SDI the student will receive and can include accommodations, modifications, assistive technology, related services, and behavior intervention plans. Read more about SDI here.