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Spelling Assistance - Pocket Spell Checker

This spelling assistance accommodation allows the educator to provide a pocket spell checker to assist a student who has difficulty spelling. A pocket spell checker is a hand-held electronic device with a built-in dictionary that accepts phonetic spelling attempts and provides instant spell correction via audio and text.


Allowable on at least one state assessment Allowable on state assessment: This accommodation is allowable on at least one state assessment. See which tests allow this accommodation

Assistive Technology Assistive Technology (AT): This accommodation includes AT. Be sure AT needs are included as accommodations on the IEP and that the PEIMS code reflects this.


How to Implement:

  • 1.

    Determine the student's need for spelling support.

    Determine the student's need for spelling support.

  • 2.

    Obtain the pocket spell checker(s) from the campus source.

    Obtain the pocket spell checker(s) from the campus source.

  • 3.

    Decide how the student will know when to use the pocket spell checker.

    Decide how the student will know when to use the pocket spell checker.

  • 4.

    Develop a routine for how/where pocket spell checkers will be distributed and collected. If it's a talking spell checker, headphones are usually necessary.

    Develop a routine for how/where pocket spell checkers will be distributed and collected. If it's a talking spell checker, headphones are usually necessary.

  • 5.

    Introduce the student to the spell checker, allowing time for exploration. Set clear expectations for the use of the spell checker.

    Introduce the student to the spell checker, allowing time for exploration. Set clear expectations for the use of the spell checker.

  • 6.

    Demonstrate using the spell checker by thinking aloud with the student.

    Demonstrate using the spell checker by thinking aloud with the student.

  • 7.

    Lead guided practice with the spell checker, providing immediate supportive and corrective feedback.

    Lead guided practice with the spell checker, providing immediate supportive and corrective feedback.

  • 8.

    Assign independent student work using the spell checker.

    Assign independent student work using the spell checker.

  • 9.

    Monitor and record the student’s progress and effectiveness with the spell checker.

    Monitor and record the student’s progress and effectiveness with the spell checker.

  • 10.

    Share your findings with the student, the educational team, and the family.

    Share your findings with the student, the educational team, and the family.


Review the TEA policy document for details about allowable use of spelling assistance during test administration. 

Review the TEA Technology Guidelines to ensure any device or software is appropriate for state assessment use.

State Assessment

Some accommodations appropriate for instructional use may not be allowable on a statewide assessment. Select the state assessment to view the implementation policies.

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Type: Designated Support 


  • grades 3-8 RLA, English I, and English II
  • grades 5 and 8 science and Biology 
  • grade 8 social studies and U.S. History

Student Eligibility Criteria:

  • routinely, independently, and effectively uses this designated support during classroom instruction and classroom testing;
  • receives Section 504 or special education services; and
  • organizes and develops ideas and understands the basic function and use of written language conventions (e.g., sentence structures, irregular verbs) but has a disability that is so severe that the student cannot apply basic spelling rules or word patterns (e.g., prefixes, suffixes) to written responses.

Type: Designated Support 


  • grades 3-5 Spanish RLA
  • grade 5 Spanish science

Student Eligibility Criteria:

Same as STAAR