Basic handheld calculator (i.e., four-function) or calculator application, including large-key or speech-output.
Basic Calculator available as an online embedded support on STAAR
Abacus or Cranmer modified abacus.
0–9 addition grid without special numbers (e.g., even numbers) indicated.
Grade-appropriate multiplication grid without special numbers (e.g., perfect squares) indicated.
STAAR Stuff!
Check out this helpful video about calculation aids and using them on the math STAAR tests.
Identify the appropriate calculation aid according to the student’s need and the instructional task to be completed.
Identify the appropriate calculation aid according to the student’s need and the instructional task to be completed.
Collaborate with a technology specialist if the student will be using a calculator application or other tech tools.
Collaborate with a technology specialist if the student will be using a calculator application or other tech tools.
Teach the student how to use the calculation aid through modeling and think alouds. Use clear expectations to show the student how to use it
Teach the student how to use the calculation aid through modeling and think alouds. Use clear expectations to show the student how to use it appropriately in a variety of situations and environments.
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Lead guided practice and provide authentic opportunities for independent practice with the calculation aid.
Lead guided practice and provide authentic opportunities for independent practice with the calculation aid.
Monitor and record the student’s progress and the effectiveness of the calculation aid.
Monitor and record the student’s progress and the effectiveness of the calculation aid.
Provide feedback to the student. Feedback should be specific and include positive praise for correct use and corrective feedback for inappropriate use.
Provide feedback to the student. Feedback should be specific and include positive praise for correct use and corrective feedback for inappropriate use.
Share progress and effectiveness with the student, the educational team, and the family.
Share progress and effectiveness with the student, the educational team, and the family.
Review the TEA Policy Document for details about allowable use of calculation aids during test administration.
The STAAR Calculator Policy and TEA Technology Guidelines offer additional information about the use of handheld calculators and calculator apps during state assessments.
Some accommodations appropriate for instructional use may not be allowable on a statewide assessment. Select the state assessment to view the implementation policies.
Type: Designated Support
Assessments: Grade 3-7 Math, grade 5 Science
Calculators are required for the following STAAR assessments: grade 8 mathematics, grade 8 science, Algebra I, Algebra II, and biology.
Student Eligibility Criteria:
Receives Special Education or 504 services
Grades 3 and 4
Grades 5 through 7
Type: Designated Support
Assessments: grades 3-5 mathematics and grades 5 science
Student Eligibility Criteria: Same as STAAR
See the STAAR Alternate 2 Allowable Accommodations for information about calculator use during the STAAR Alt 2 state assessment.